June 23, 2004
Daily Miles
Total Miles
Miles To Go
June 23, 2004
Daily Miles
Total Miles
Miles To Go
The mosquitos are attempting to sing me to sleep again. It is that time of year in Mass when 4 applications of DEET are just sufficient to hold off the little buggers long enough for me to get into my tent and stay there until morning. There is a barred owl calling as well, and I can hear the crackling of fire from outside the shelter. Whoever hiked in to the shelter after me is trying to smoke the bugs away. I am just hoping they will have died down enough in the morning for a few hours of peace.
Today was a good long hike. Good except for the bugs. I was hiking alone again, as I have for the most part since Pennsylvania. The blueberry-covered summits of the MA mountains are what my mind tells me mountain tops are ‘supposed’ to look like. It just feels like home. I got cell signal this morning and arranged a pick-up Friday from Rog. Either I need to do 22 miles again tomorrow and 12 out on Friday or I get an easy 14 tomorrow and do 20 on Friday—we’ll see how I feel.
Rockhound left a message on my phone. He is 70 miles south of me. My taking the weekend off will bring him within one long day, hmmm…maybe I will take another zero. It’s still light at 9pm , but I am crashing anyway to give myself a chance at doing 22 tomorrow…